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Native Mobile Apps:

Native Mobile App Description Tech Stack Source Code Live Demo
LeetDroid LeetDroid is An android client for LeetCode. Project proposes one-stop for all leetcode work in Android to keep track of all your leetcode activities. Kotlin, Firebase, Graph QL Repo Play store
eduJam eduJam is a university app, which will help you with all of your university work* Kotlin, Firebase, Room Database Repo App Link
AI-TodoList A todo list application working with voice commands to add, update and delete tasks. Kotlin, Alan AI Repo -
voice command android A simple voice command bot with voice triggers made using aimybox, kaldi speechkit and vosk Kotlin, Aimybox, Kaldi Speechkit and vosk Repo -
NutriFit NutriFit is a food tracking app, which will let you track your food intake. Unlike other food tracking app, NutriFit is free and open source. Java, Firebase, Room Database Repo -
MENTIS-REM Mentis Ram is an app solely built to help the mental health of the users. Kotlin, Room Database Repo -
TODONIZER A todo list application which makes your day productive. Java, Room Database Repo App Link
JOE-WOLFIE A hotel application which provides two services- “Book a Room” and “Reserve a Table”. Java Repo -